Tuesday, January 16, 2018


In Every Season You Can Begin Again! You don't choose the season; however, you can choose to see the beauty in it. Endure the Process- it's a journey  of discovering purpose and beliefs that is painted with seasons of pain, struggles, sorrow, grief, twists and turns. All of the challenges present an opportunity to choose the appropriate response to various situations. Enjoy Every Season! Learn to Wait Well! Timing is Everything!  Waiting Is An Excellent Teacher! Make it Meaningful! Focus! Follow Plan! Rate multiplied by time=Distance Repent/Change Your Mind; Choose to live in the moment; Don't get stuck in the past or be anxious about the future; Manage feelings, thoughts about experiences. Remember to avoid making decisions when: Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired. Change what comes out of your mouth and declare the promises of God. Pray God's word; Give thanks in every season. Trust/Obey/Worship Continually! Believe all things are working for your good. Stand boldly by faith on Christ, the solid rock-all other ground is sinking sand. He is the stone the builders rejected, the chief cornerstone, a sure and firm foundation.