Thursday, December 6, 2012

Faithful Perseverence

One of the most important qualities along the Christian journey is Faithful Perseverance. Jesus said to those who believed in Him, "If you continue in My word, then are you My disciples". John 8:31. He who endures until the end shall be saved. MT.24:13. Persevering amid a multiplicity of challenges demands courageous and righteous standing on promises set forth in the word of God. Having done all to stand, keep on standing and trusting that God is faithful to fulfill every promise. He gives more grace as difficult situations increase and always causes us to triumph over every circumstance.   Patient endurance is not easy, however it is very necessary for learning the art of waiting, training, character building while pressing through narrow, tight and difficult places. The deep, dark valley places along life's journey help to define who we really are at the core and our need for God's help.  During these times it is so very important to listen carefully to His voice for clear instructions so that we can avoid moving ahead too quickly. In every trial, it is critical to make sure that every lesson for the season is learned while humbly, obediently and silently waiting in His presence.
Spiritual maturity is developed when we stay in an assigned place long enough, even amid a great deal of adverse situations.  Resistance is a faith builder that provides an opportunity for spiritual growth and development. Sometimes we are tempted to take the easy way out, but there are no shortcuts in God, therefore we must remain resolute, committed to stay the course, outlast oppositional forces and move forward into our designed "There"place. We are crossing over into greater dimensions of blessings and favor. God is exalted; the devil is defeated; Jesus is Lord.  Let God arise; Let His enemies be scattered.
Strategies for Courageously Standing Amid Oppostion:
  • Praise, Prayer, Pursue Love
  • Meditate on the word; trust, believe God
  • Wait for manifestation with faithful perseverance, hopeful expectation
  • Stay focused, connected, undaunted, accept what God allows
  • Grateful for the opportunity to rise to the occasion; never quit; never give up
  • Confident that God is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all you can imagine according to the power that is working within
  • Watchful Prayer; Stay Alert; Be Aware of diabolical schemes designed to block your success   
The Lord be with you. +MEA

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