Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Moving Forward

Now is the time, now is the season to keep moving forward in pursuit of fulfillment of divine destiny. In order to prepare successfully, it is essential to hear accurately and have clear vision. Vision releases hope; hope brings change, change releases destiny; destiny drives out of the now and propels into new dimensions. The more you see, the more you can become. Trust and obey God; He will keep you moving forward; the best is yet to come.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Is There Not A Cause?

Many oppositional forces are in the land, enemies with every kind of spirit, whereby some people of faith are cowering on the sidelines afraid to stand up for a righteous cause. The call has come in this season for champions of righteousness who will awake, arise and go forth in victory. Awaken as warriors who are strong, courageous, fearless and contend for intimacy with God, purity, and overcoming faith. The kingdom is suffering violence, the violent take it by force. Now is the season to move forward in pursuit of fulfillment of destiny.